About Center

Ratnagiri Test Tube Baby & Research Center at “Dhanvantari Hospital” in Ratnagiri has come in existence to give a helping hand with modern techniques to many infertile couples. The center is well established and has in recent years achieved some of the best result. The center is now recognized for its IVF and Surrogacy services. Ratnagiri Test Tube Baby & Research Center, provide state-of-the-art IVF & ICSI procedures in a comfortable, relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

At Ratnagiri Test Tube Baby & Research Center, we understands and meets all the health needs of a woman and fosters the understanding of how advanced health can improve the lives of women and their families. We specialize in each and every aspect of infertility and provide comprehensive services in IUI, IVF-ET, ICSI, Failed IVF treatment, Egg donation, Embryo adoption, Endometriosis treatment, Surrogate motherhood, male infertility, Semen banking, Embryo freezing, Sexual psychological problem, PCOD, MESA, PESA, TESA, Hormone Analysis, Laparoscopic Surgery, Hysteroscopy Surgery and try to give moral and emotional support to our infertile couples.


Dedicated Doctors


Clinic Rooms




Happy Moms

Why Choose Ratnagiri IVF

State Of The Art Facilities
Other Services
Evidence Based Decisions & Transparency

Feathers In Our Cap


First IUI Live Pregnancy


First IVF Pregnancy of Whole KONKAN Region


First TESE with ICSI Pregnancy in Azoospermic Patient in Konkan Region